What we have here is, well, almost inexplicable. There was once a motorcycle in there somewhere. It morphed into a three-wheel, rear-drive sedan chair with a lovely and practical over-arching canopy frame. And, of course, the previously examined make-do hitch, making possible the tow-along cart.
The whole rig is, indeed, the most ambitious of all the recycle men in the neighborhood. God forbid, a stray dog darts in front of him. It'll be a game of pick-up sticks.
hi, followed links from your flickr site, love the photos, love the blog even more. I happened on to your photos on flickr maybe two months ago, and loved them and went through them all, but didn't note your name. Managed to track you down again for another look, as yours were photos I always remembered. Glad I did. It's so amazing that you can have a little view of a stranger's life and not feel too much like a snooper. you look like a very lucky lady - great family, cute baby, gorgeous county to live in. Didn't want to be a lurker, so here's my comment! I think I'll go comment on one of your photos on flickr too, so I'm not weirdly anonymous.
thanks for your comment. it's nice to know that i'm not laboring in vain (and amusing only myself). i've stashed away enough photos to blog about this place until i'm too old to see the screen... stay tuned!
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