Monday, December 18, 2006

Spot the Potential Lawsuit 3

Thai people, like my kin of New England ancestry, have a can-do attitude. It's not really about DOING much, it's more along the lines of "use it up - wear it out - make do (heard that a lot growing up) - or do without." And, with this in mind, I offer you this week's Potential Lawsuit of the vehicular variety (another vast and limitless category).

I call this one, the "make-do hitch." Old rope, rubber strips cut from some old inner tubing, a little spit ... you know. If duct tape weren't so "spendy," it would be on there for sure. Tapin' that cart right to the damn seat.

Another favorite "make-do" hitch is to sit you wife down on an old rice bag folded around the pull-bar of your cart. Works great, but lose the cart, lose the wife! No fuss. No one's gonna sue you over it, or anything.

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