In the dream her son (her only son) the Prince, first in line for the throne, came to some harm. The court astrologer advised her to boil nine eggs (or, in her case, have someone boil them for her) and give them to her neighbors. Why, you ask? (Silly you.) FOR GOOD LUCK AND PROTECTION. (You might wonder, "Does the Queen HAVE neighbors?" Don't get bogged down in details.)
The Queen's dreams represent the fate of the Thai people as well as her own kin. Having averted disaster with her egg boiling, all of us who have only one son are doing the same. Amnat's mother boiled hers and called Amnat to have him boil his. Thinking Amnat might not do it quickly enough (smart mother), she also called Nok and told her to do it for us.
So, one morning last week (before the camera was out of bed), Nok boiled nine eggs and gave one to our landlady and eight to the man who salvages salvagables on our street. (Feet visible here).
I can feel the Good Luck and Protection already.
O.K., you probably are one step ahead of me, but on re-reading it occurs to me that those silly boiled eggs may just have kept Little and me half a block from our recent gangland shooting. You just never know for sure, do you?
< sigh >Oh, I miss Thailand< /sigh >
I had to add the gaps in my HTML "tag" because Blogger won't accept it as a valid tag. :-)
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